
La Pavoni Professional PBB-16 Espresso Machine Black Base Review

La Pavoni Professional PBB-16 Espresso Machine Black Base
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This is my fourth espresso machine. I bought it after the La Pavoni "Carina" (that I bought from Zabars) started to get unreliable, and I decided I'd rather replace it than to put more money into the Carina ... and still face a week or two of drip coffee.
While it is amusing how very little different the Professional and the 'Toy' models look, there is a big difference in performance. The Carina takes a very long time to heat up; this Carina Grande (which is what La Pavoni calls this black-base Professional model) takes five minutes. The Carina generates more steam pressure than a cheap automatic espresso machine, but the Carina Grande generates more steam pressure than the Carina. The result is that I get a better cup of espresso, with less need to plan ahead.
The machine is a little quirky. When you turn it on, it vents a bit of steam from the over-pressure valve before it makes a thtip sound and the pressure starts mounting. It's not very consistent about how long it will vent. If the water level is much below half-full, it may keep venting and not start building pressure.
I think the bottom line with La Pavoni is you get a really gorgeous Chrome Peacock that makes truly great espresso, but the workmanship is a bit uneven and you certainly shouldn't expect Japanese-car levels of reliability.

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