
Saeco Focus Automatic Espresso Machine Review

Saeco Focus  Automatic Espresso Machine
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This review applies to the steel version as well, except for the aesthetics. The design and layout of this machine has been well-thought out by Saeco. I had a difficult time choosing between the steel and the black version, and ultimately chose the latter because I preferred the contrast of the black and chrome (and it matches my decor better). The set-up of the machine is a bit confusing because there is a small insert paper with instructions that slightly conflicts with the full manual. Perhaps the translation from the original Italian is not entirely accurate. The insert indicated that the supplied intenza water filter must be installed - but this is optional and is not supplied with the machine. So don't waste your time looking for it. Once it is up & running, familiarizing oneself with the meaning of the icons on the LCD is important. Thankfully, Saeco designed the machine with access to the water tank in the front. The spent grounds compartment is also in the front and the beans go in the top. This is important for a compact machine as the potential buyer probably has size restrictions. Some superautos, like the Jura Ena 3/5 have the water tank attach to the back and the Gaggia Platinum I considered has side access.The draw of a superauto is the ability to go from bean to cup with one machine at the push of a button. In this regard, the Syntia performs very well. The bean hopper and water reservoir are small, but if you want any compact machine then this obviously is necessary to retain a small footprint. The espresso the machine produces is quite nice. I choose the strongest setting (3 bean icon) for a dark espresso. I also prefer to produce a double (click twice) rather than a long coffee for a cappuccino so it is not watered down. The machine grinds & brews twice in quick succession when double clicking. I would prefer a more solid feeling (seems to be part steel & part plastic at the top) however it does a surprisingly good job at foaming milk for cappuccino. The foam I've produced is slightly too stiff & aery - but I think it is more a technique issue at this point. Hopefully with practice I'll get just the right consistency between airy & dense. It is also excellent for steaming hot chocolate, Italian style. Just toss in your preferred hot chocolate mix with some added chocolate and a little milk and steam it until all is melted. Go bitter and serve it with some sugar on the side to taste. Clean-up is a breeze. The tray pops out easily. The top comes off via a magnet and you can rinse it in the sink. The water & spent grounds reservoirs pop out from the front easily for rinsing. Wiping down the machine is not a problem. Overall, I've been very pleased with this small machine. It is very easy for anyone to use and you can get great results without much effort.

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