
Saeco Xelsis SS Automatic Espresso Machine, Stainless Steel Review

Saeco Xelsis SS Automatic Espresso Machine, Stainless Steel
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I have (now you can say had!!) the Saeco Primea Touch Plus. I mainly make cappucinos. With the Primea, I had issues with the milk temperature (too cold) and no milk foam. Also, the cleanup was a pain.
I decided to try the Xelsis and I am glad that I did. So far I have had the machine for about two weeks and it is a winner. The milk comes out hot and the foam is perfect (looks like micro-foam done by a wand). It is easy to maintain and has worked flawless. The only negative is that the drip tray is kind of small but is it very quick and easy to empty. If you are looking for a quick and easy cappucino this machine is for you.

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