
Chemex Drip Coffee Carafe - 6 Cup Review

Chemex Drip Coffee Carafe - 6 Cup
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There is a dirty little secret that many of these appliance companies don't want you to know. Manual drip coffee from a simple cone device makes the best coffee. Here's why. You need to have two tablespoons of coffee for every cup. The water must be just below the boiling point when it hits the grounds. Water which is poured in one little stream on top of dry grounds will cause a funnel effect an most of the grounds won't immersed effectively.
The fancy auto-drip coffee makers don't heat the grounds effectively and don't cover them with water properly in the brewing process. If most people really looked at the back of their coffee maker and looked at where the water is kept in reserve, they would call a Haz-Mat team to clean it up.
Why get this instead of a cheap plastic cone, the filter paper is thicker with the Chemex, retains more bitter oils and the thick glass of the Chemex will keep the coffee warm enough for a second cup (I would suggest getting the glass lid for it also.

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