
Cuisinart DGB-600BC Grind and Brew Coffee Maker (Brushed Chrome) w/ DGB-600RC Thermal Carafe Review

Cuisinart DGB-600BC Grind and Brew Coffee Maker (Brushed Chrome) w/ DGB-600RC Thermal Carafe
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We Louisianans like our coffee pretty brawny, and you just can't get good, strong brew from this machine. I brought the first one back, and traded for a different one (same model) because I thought it was defective. Ended up taking #2 back, too, for a refund.
While your typical brew-only machine might have 3-4 parts, this one (I think) has 7 or 8. After making the coffee, the entire grinding portion has to be disassembled and cleaned (bean cup with lid, blades, chute) - much of the actual ground beans are trapped here, and all these parts are thickly coated with wet, steamy bean sludge.
All would be forgiven if the coffee was delightful, but it is merely lackluster and uninspired.
Good idea, but not well executed.

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