
Dip-It Automatic Drip Coffeemaker Cleaner: 7 OZ Review

Dip-It Automatic Drip Coffeemaker Cleaner: 7 OZ
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When I was going to school (Purdue) in 1955, I worked at a "fixit" shop, where we repaired all sorts of small appliances like toasters, mixers, irons, coffeemakers and other things. One day my boss came in and said, "Here, use this stuff in that coffeepot you just fixed before you tell the owner it's done." He handed me a package of DIP-IT! I didn't think too much about it, but followed the instructions and ran a pot of Dip-It instead of coffee. The inside of the pot sparkled! It took no time at all, and the product was pretty cheap. From then on, we used it in all coffeepots we repaired, just to give the customers a treat when they picked up their coffeepots. I am amazed and pleased that this product is still available after all these years!!
---Sincerely, Jerry McMurry Retired Engineer.

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