
Saeco Vienna Plus Graphite Espresso Machine Review

Saeco Vienna Plus Graphite Espresso Machine
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We purchased this expresso maker after our first one, which we owned for years and years, finally died on us. We decided to get it repaired, but give it to our son and buy a new one for ourselves. When the new expresso maker arrived, we were terribly disappointed. Compared to the first machine, the quality of workmanship is shockingly poor. The pieces fit poorly together and have play between them. Sometimes just touching them moves them out of alignment. The first machine was tight and well-constructed.
The heating element isn't as good either. My husband and I have both noticed that the water isn't as hot when it comes out of the machine. Neither does the machine dispense as much water. We've had to turn the setting to the Max to get a complete cup of coffee. This may be by design, however, and not a negative. Turning our previous coffee maker to the Max setting resulted in overfilling the cup. Larger cups that would accommodate the increased amount do not fit well and are spilled when they're tipped for removal from the machine.
As for making the coffee, expresso, etc., the machine does just fine. It's internal functions seem to work well. I suppose my real concern here is that, if the quality of the rest of the machine is any indication, this one may not last as long as the first one and we may have to send it off for repair too. If that happens, I'm not sure we'll ever replace this one with another like it. We may look at other brands, even if it means spending more money--which it will.

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