
Saeco Talea Giro Fully Automatic Espresso/Coffee Machine Review

Saeco Talea Giro Fully Automatic Espresso/Coffee Machine
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I received my coffee maker and loved it for almost a year, until it stopped dripping the coffee. I had followed all the directions for cleaning and servicing the machine. I called the Arabee company from whom I purchased it.
They promptly made arrangement for me to get it back to them, as it was still under warranty. They have now had it for over 4 months and I can't get a proper response from them. I have been told that it took 6 weeks in the queue to get to service, then they needed a part, which may or may not have had to come from Italy. Now they won't even return calls or answer when I call. The next step, I guess is a legal one to get a new coffee maker or some form of recovery.
Loved the coffee maker while I had it.

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