
Jura-Capresso 13413 Impressa F8 Automatic Coffee and Espresso Center Review

Jura-Capresso 13413 Impressa F8 Automatic Coffee and Espresso Center
Average Reviews:

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I received this as a Chirstmas gift, I could not fathom spending this amount of money on something for myself. At any rate, I love coffee, espresso and all other coffee flavored drinks so trust me when I say,
"this was a wonderful surprise" for a true coffee lover. In the long run, not only was I worth the price, but it has actually paid for itself with the money I have now saved not going to coffee houses, @ $5.00 and up per cup, and for a much better cup than those they were selling. This is definitely for the coffee lover, not occassional drinker, who has everything else. Oh! space helps too, it not a small item. Extremely well packaged, dependable, and sturdy. FYI. I waited a year and a half before leaving this review, I received it Dec.25, 2008. Used everyday, multiple times per. The filters are a bit expensive but you get a good length of time on them, the can be purchased cheaper online and in bulk.

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