
Nespresso D300 Automatic Espresso Machine, Gray and Chrome Review

Nespresso D300 Automatic Espresso Machine, Gray and Chrome
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I beg to differ with the reviewer from Los Angeles. The coffee is not watery, and does not taste like "freeze dried instant." Perhaps this person got a machine with old capsules??? Or is using the "Large" cup button rather than the small??? (The Large makes about 4 ounces of "crema coffee" -- which is, of course, not as strong as an espresso.)
I just received my D300 yesterday and am amazed with how wonderful the coffee and the machine are! I got a tremendous deal, buying the machine and 120 capsules for a 30% less than the going price for just the machine (purchased from a seller on the famous auction site which we all know and love.)
The D300 arrived very well-packaged, with excellent instructions, and we had it up and running in moments. You are instructed to run a tank full of water through -- half through the steam wand and half through the group, to get the machine ready for use. After that, it's on to coffee-making. And the coffee is great! (And HOT -- if you warm your cup first) We've tried three of the 10 varieties, and my husband and I like the "Roma" the best so far. It has a very authentic Italian taste and rich crema. I also drink cappuccinos, and MAN does the steamer do up the froth quickly and perfectly!
My only "quibbles" with the machine are these:
1. It's quite noisy, and the pump makes a disconcerting thumping sound while steaming. (I called Nespresso to make sure this was normal. The customer service rep had me hold the phone up to the machine while I ran a blank shot and then the steamer. He said it sounded OK -- apparently this is a pretty powerful pump & they don't do anything to baffle it. Oh, well.... )
2. The water tank is pretty small, but then, this machine is much smaller than most espresso machines I've seen. Takes up a very tiny footprint on your counter, which can be a good thing for many people. And, I suppose it also forces you to use nice fresh water all the time, which can only improve the quality of the coffee.
As pointed out by other reviewers, the only "Catch 22" with this system is that you MUST use the capsules, which you can only get through Nespresso. They are a little more expensive than using ground coffee, but the convenience and NO MESS aspect makes the price worthwhile. My Rocky grinder will be taking a holiday for a while as we enjoy a break from grinding, tamping, and cleaning up messy coffee grounds from the counter.
I'm sure we'll still use him to make espressos on the weekends, when we have more time to "play" with our other "traditional" espresso machine, but for busy weekdays and tired evenings, the Nespresso machine is a wonderful addition to our kitchen!

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Nespresso has developed a unique extraction system specially adapted to capsules. It controls every vital setting when preparing a perfect espresso. Nespresso machines have been designed with renowned partners and designers, and bring out the taste and aromas of coffee by combining quality of design with ease of use. The Nespresso D300 machine is part of our classic line.Classic Line machines all have the capsule holder system that uses the traditional gesture for preparing an espresso. They are designed with clean, simple, box shaped lines. The D300 machine deploys technology essential for preparing an outstanding Espresso, and is exceptionally easy to use. Programmable automatic control of the amount of coffee in the cup. A high pressure pump (19 bars) extracts all the aromas and develops a smooth crema in the cup. A thermobloc which heats water to 187and 196 during extraction and empties the remaining water after each use so that the water is fresh for each preparation. Removable steam nozzle for hot water and steam. Cups warming plate. Metal housing with high-gloss chrome finish. Digital multilingual function display. Programmable machine turn on and off . Adjustment for water hardness. A simple system with a capsule holder which perforates the capsule and soaks all the ground coffee to optimally filter the coffee. Removable water container (61 oz)

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