
Capresso C1300 Super Automatic Coffee and Espresso Center Review

Capresso C1300 Super Automatic Coffee and Espresso Center
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I have owned a number of espresso machines including Gaggia pump driven manual units, an Acquaviva commercial superautomatic machine, a Capresso C1000 and now the Capresso C1300. The best espresso was obtained from the manual (not a superauto) Gaggia. However, it was not consistent and a pain to keep clean.
The superautos are extremely convenient as one simply pushes a button or two and is rewarded with a very respectable espresso or cappuccino. One thing that I like about the C1300 is that I can actually get a legitimate 30 second pour with very good crema (the brownish-red foam on the top of the shot that tells you it's been done right). You're going to want to do a large to extra large shot and set the grinder to almost the finest setting. Remember than you can only adjust the grinder when it is actually grinding.
Frothing milk is okay, but not the best. This is common as the superautos typically don't have the horsepower to pump out gobs of hot dry steam necessary for the microfoam that you can obtain with a high-end manual or commercial machine. However, it's good enough I suppose.
One of the reasons that I bought a superauto was because keeping a manual machine clean was a lot of work. With the Capresso, it's quite easy to keep it clean. Simply dump out and wash the grounds tray when the display tells you to and drop a cleaning tablet in every now and then again when prompted by the display.
The Capresso machines are much easier to keep clean than the Saeco/Starbucks units, which require removal of the brew head. Frankly, I'd rather not bother with that. Know thy self, as the old saying goes.
Even though Capresso states that you do not need to use the Claris water filter if you use distilled water, I use the filter anyway. It's a small price to pay to keep your machine in good shape, in my opinion.
If your unit ever breaks once it's out of warranty, Capresso will repair or replace it for a very reasonable price of $125 which includes return postage as of this writing. So if you ever need to fix it, you'll know in advance that repair costs aren't going to break the bank. FWIW, I never had one single problem with my C1000 and so far, the C1300 has been flawless.
I feel that the C1300 is handsome and looks better in person than in the photos. The digital display has an attractive cobalt blue backlighting which is easily readable day or night. Most adjustments are pretty simple to figure out and are made via several dials on the face of the unit (one is behind a hidden door on the left side of the machine).
It's a nice machine and throws a very respectable shot for a relatively moderate price. If it seems like a lot of money to spend on a "coffee maker", you probably won't feel this way after you use it for awhile. I use mine on a daily basis, making either crema coffee (espresso shots with hot water), cappuccino, or espresso. The Capresso C1300 is highly recommended!

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