
Durgol 2-bottle Swiss Espresso Decalcifier Review

Durgol 2-bottle Swiss Espresso Decalcifier
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I bought a De Longhi Magnifica Super Automatic espresso machine from Starbucks about 2 years ago. I use it almost everyday and since buying it, I have descaled it usually once a month, even though the automatic descaler indicator did not warn me to do so. I was using the descaler that was sold at Starbucks not knowing that the powder was actually not good for the internal components of the machine. Eventually, the steam wand would not work and I would constantly get a message that the beans were too fine and to adjust the grinder. When I called CS, they told me to use the Durgol. Thank goodness they did! After 1 cycle of descaling and dark, dirty deposits, the steam wand was back to normal. Yeah!!!

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