
Rowenta/Krups 10C Blk Espr/Capp Maker Xp1500 Coffee Makers Espresso/Cappucino Review

Rowenta/Krups 10C Blk Espr/Capp Maker Xp1500 Coffee Makers Espresso/Cappucino
Average Reviews:

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First of all let me say this product makes a fair cup of coffee, and a pretty good cup of espresso--and I am very picky. That said, it is not very well put together and it doesn't have features that I really like in a coffee maker. It tends to leak water from the bin where you put the grounds. It does not have an automatic turnoff. The plate gets pretty hot and will cook your coffee if you don't turn the thing off after you brew a pot. It can't be programmed to start brewing on its own. The frother attachment is a joke. For $100 you can do better.

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