
Briel ES35AF Chamonix Pump Espresso Machine With Auto Espresso Flow Review

Briel ES35AF Chamonix Pump Espresso Machine With Auto Espresso Flow
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Perfect espresso, first time, and every time. Virtually fool-proof, but then growing in my foolishness. The magic "crema" disc must do the trick, combined with the higher pressure of ~ 15 bars. Stovetop machines can't force the steam through the coffee correctly because they only generate 3 bars (atmospheres). What sold me was the 10 year guarantee on the pump. If most espresso machines can do the job, I wanted one that would last. I looked at machines from $20 closeouts to $2000 commerical models. This is the lowest priced with the best features. Anything cheaper, doesn't give you the pressure (except the Briel's Lido) nor the autoflow so you don't have to hold down a lever. "Just set it and forget it for a minute". Anything more expensive doesn't add much more than aesthetics and commercial capacity. Oops, gotta go, it's getting cold.

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