
Briel ES35AF Chamonix Pump Espresso Machine With Auto Espresso Flow Review

Briel ES35AF Chamonix Pump Espresso Machine With Auto Espresso Flow
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Perfect espresso, first time, and every time. Virtually fool-proof, but then growing in my foolishness. The magic "crema" disc must do the trick, combined with the higher pressure of ~ 15 bars. Stovetop machines can't force the steam through the coffee correctly because they only generate 3 bars (atmospheres). What sold me was the 10 year guarantee on the pump. If most espresso machines can do the job, I wanted one that would last. I looked at machines from $20 closeouts to $2000 commerical models. This is the lowest priced with the best features. Anything cheaper, doesn't give you the pressure (except the Briel's Lido) nor the autoflow so you don't have to hold down a lever. "Just set it and forget it for a minute". Anything more expensive doesn't add much more than aesthetics and commercial capacity. Oops, gotta go, it's getting cold.

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Briel Chamonix Espresso Maker ES35AFB Coffee Machine

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CAPRESSO Automatic Coffee Center, Froths, Grindes, Brews in less than 50 seconds Review

CAPRESSO Automatic Coffee Center, Froths, Grindes, Brews in less than 50 seconds
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I loved this since my brother first bought it. I have tried many lower priced imitators, but non lived up to the Capresso C3000. Now, several years later, I have inhereted his coffee machine. I still love it. It is demanding, asking you to add water, empty grinds, or even add coffee. But seriously, it is a great machine that custom brews a great cup of coffee and the biggest problem I find is it makes it to easy to drink a lot of coffee. If you take care of it it will take care of your coffee needs.

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Jura-Capresso 13214 Impressa Z5 Automatic Coffee Center Review

Jura-Capresso 13214 Impressa Z5 Automatic Coffee Center
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Yes, you'll flinch when you see the price tag! Right now this is the king of super automatics. My work hours are all over the place and many times there is just no time to devote to pulling the perfect espresso from a manual or semi machine. Add to that I drink cappuccino's or lattes 95% of the time. This machine was made for those who drink mostly cappuccino's or lattes and it couldn't be easier. Many long time aficionados on the coffeegeek.com forums will tell you that you cannot pull anything close to a "god shot" from a super automatic and they are correct. But what you get is pretty darn good especially if you love the taste of espresso but don't want to devote your life to making perfect shots every pull. The Z5 is the model of simplicity and produces consistent very good shots of espresso and excellent latte's & cappuccino's every time with little time. I had this machine programmed, up and going just 10 minutes out of the box. I am not an expert on pulling shots manually. Setting the knob to the hottest setting, strongest espresso and finest grind yielded a very tasty shot that was far better than any I have had at Starbuck's. I used Coffee Emergency espresso roast. The crema was good and the temperature excellent. I used a Capressa S9 a year ago and was not happy with the temperature of the shots coming out of the machine. They are much improved on the Z5. Back to cappuccino's... Fill the milk thermos with your choice of milk...set knob to cappuccino and hit the button. A gorgeous cappuccino was produced on the very first try. I didn't have to move the cup...it was all automatic! It took me ages to learn to make a decent cappuccino on same thing manually. Again...much better than at Starbuck's and any of the local coffee houses. The Z5 has a timer that can be set to turn the machine on and off when you want it to. Settings for water level, brewing time, amount of heated milk and foam, can all be pre set or adjusted with a knob live as your beverage is being made. The unit is whisper silent even when grinding beans. It is a well built piece of equipment that is UL approved for both residential and commercial use. I couldn't be happier with it.Should you get this machine? Bottom line is that if you want to make espresso's as a hobby and are going for that ultimate "god shot" every time don't even think about this machine. If you are a working professional who just wants a great cappuccino, latte and espresso with absolute minimum fuss that will beat Starbuck's and your local coffee shop.... think about buying this machine.

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BonJour Frother, Automatic Battery Powered Primo Latte with Stand, Silver/Black Review

BonJour Frother, Automatic Battery Powered Primo Latte with Stand, Silver/Black
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Update: 2010
Still going strong; however, I have some reservations about the stand. After several years of use, I now feel that the stand is too easily tipped over (but only because accidents do happen--if you never brushed against it, the stand wouldn't tip over), and that led to a bent "wand" when the frother hit the floor. I just received the Aerolatte as a gift (available also at Amazon.com) and am very pleased with it. However, I've only had it a few days; the reliable Bonjour frother worked well for over four years, and was slightly bent only because of an accident. Still make a fantastic (and relatively inexpensive) gift for the coffee connoisseur or the casual cocoa fan! Still highly recommendedbut you might want to compare this with the Aerolatte on features and price. Happy drinking!

Update: Feb 20, 2006
I've upgraded this from a 4.5 to a full 5* since purchasing it back in December. Initially, it seemed difficult to insert the batteries, but the Primo Frother is still going strong after almost 2 months of daily use!
I've come to appreciate a few other features, as well:
*I measured 3 ounces of milk, used the frother, and poured the froth back into a measuring cup. The foam measured close to 10 ounces; the Primo more than tripled the volume!
*The rather flimsy looking stand actually works very well, holding the frother in place without tipping over.
*It's extremely easy to clean: Just run it a few seconds under water.
*It's very useful for mixing powders (e.g., chocolate) into liquids.
*With just a little practice, you can make all manner of foams, from a light froth to a very dense topping that's almost like meringue! It's all in the angle and the depth of the frother within the drink container.
This is undoubtedly the Holiday gift we use most, and I recommend it enthusiastically. (Also available (for a little over $10 more) as a rechargeable unit, though I don't think that's as important as I originally thought.) The review I wrote after only a few days of use is next:Original Review
The Bonjour frother, like any frother worth its salt, does an incredibly good job of injecting lots of air into your cup of milk, resulting in a thick foam that can be poured over coffee, milk, or the creative beverage of your choice. That little round wire wisk is powerful, creating a tiny whirlpool as it quietly works.
You put the round end directly into a cup, and turn it on by holding down a very large black oval-shaped area on the frother's body. If you let go, it will stop after a few seconds--this can be useful if you want just small bursts of power. However, most people want the full whipping experience, hold it down and about 45-60 second later, a change is gonna come. The milk, previously still quite liquid--although shot through with lots of tiny air bubbles--begins to thicken (as when you make meringue). This induces a small pre-coffee high. After awhile, the foamy milk becomes so thick that the frother slows noticeably. You may be tempted to lift it from your cup to the thinner liquid, but resist this temptation: You could wind up splattering your kitchen.
Uses of Foamy Milk.
There are no hard and fast rules here, but, as stated above, froth can be poured over coffee for the classico cafe latte, over espresso (a subset of coffee, I suppose), over smoothies and desserts and whatever else you can think of. Add some Torani flavored syrup, get or make some biscoti, and enjoy the glory that is Rome. (Fortunately, a brief recipe book comes with the frother to stimulate ideas.) You can even froth your drink AFTER you poured the froth into it, but purists may scoff. I think it's a nice alternative, and it's extremely useful when your chocolate mix won't blend with milk.
The frother cleans extremely easily, and you can hang it to dry in the enclosed stand. The latter was a pleasant surprised; I expected it to tip easily, but--contrary to some other reports here--it didn't. Of course, you need to place it in with some coordination and balance, but the inexpensive little stand works admirably.
Batteries and How to Insert Them.
The frother runs on 2 AA batteries (need I add that they are not included), and herein lies the single drawback: Closing the frother after inserting the batteries is not as easy as it should be. You have to push a tab on each side AND fit the end of the battery container into a slot at the end of the frother, and it takes patience and practice. If you have opened an electric razor to change the blades, and had difficulty closing it, you'll know what I mean. Suffice it to say that you DO NOT WANT TO FORCE anything, or else the tabs may break. Slowly but surely does it (or ask your clever neighbor); once you "get it," it probably won't be a problem anymore.
Ergonomics and Apppearance.
It fits nicely in your hand, and it's light, but the ergonomic advantages are somewhat overstated by Bonjour. The contrast of matte black and "brushed" aluminum looks good, and the frother is compact.
I give this a small deduction for the battery learning curve, but otherwise, a very useful small appliance. Primo, dude.

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BonJour Primo Latte frother is the perfect fusion of excellence in design and function.The curvaceous black and matte silver frother features a uniquely comfortable design.BonJour Primo Latte's Spring disc effortlessly turns even non-fat milk into lush, creamy froth in seconds for cappuccinos, lattes and mochas.BonJour Primo Latte Frother includes a matte wire stand that serves as the perfect countertop home for this attention getting frother.

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Jura Capresso 13548 IMPRESSA J6 Automatic Coffee Center Review

Jura Capresso 13548 IMPRESSA J6 Automatic Coffee Center
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My husband loves cappuccino, and I love latte. I have known this brand "Jura" for several years because my mom has one in her kitchen. I have always wanted one but it's just so expensive and I was not sure if I would be willing to spend that much of money buying a "coffee machine." Well, I finally made a decision purchasing this expensive machine on Amazon because of the free shipping.
This machine came with a very well protected big box, and it's very easy to open the package. The piano black looks so arrogant yet classic. Before starting the machine, I played the DVD in my computer. It has very clear and easy to follow instructions, including first time set up, how to clean, how to make different types of coffee, and so on.
I have tried cappuccino, latte, and regular coffee. It's so easy and quick! The quality is really amazing! My husband and I are both happy we bought this machine. Now we can enjoy cappuccino any time we want and it just takes one push! Love it!!!

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Rowenta/Krups 10C Blk Espr/Capp Maker Xp1500 Coffee Makers Espresso/Cappucino Review

Rowenta/Krups 10C Blk Espr/Capp Maker Xp1500 Coffee Makers Espresso/Cappucino
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First of all let me say this product makes a fair cup of coffee, and a pretty good cup of espresso--and I am very picky. That said, it is not very well put together and it doesn't have features that I really like in a coffee maker. It tends to leak water from the bin where you put the grounds. It does not have an automatic turnoff. The plate gets pretty hot and will cook your coffee if you don't turn the thing off after you brew a pot. It can't be programmed to start brewing on its own. The frother attachment is a joke. For $100 you can do better.

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Cuisinart DGB-475 Grind & Brew 10-Cup Automatic Coffeemakers Review

Cuisinart DGB-475 Grind and Brew 10-Cup Automatic Coffeemakers
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I went ahead and purchased this product after a lot of research and despite what some of the negative reviewers say. I've had built-in grind coffee machines for awhile, and I can honestly say this little machine produces some of the best tasting coffee there is! The cleanup is easier than my old GE machine (with grinder). No, it's not as easy as a normal coffee maker without the grinder, but then you don't get the freshly ground coffee either.
You're going to have to decide what is right for you. I program mine the night before and wake up to fresh coffee in the morning. The grinder is noisy, but is still quieter than my old machine. After I pour my thermos, it takes me all of three minutes to disassemble and rinse the parts out with hot water, leaving them to drip dry in the sink for when I get home. About once every couple weeks, I hand wash the parts.
I use the thing every week, 5 days a week. It's awesome. I've had no trouble with it. You just have to know that you're getting a grind-and-brew, not just some regular coffee maker. If you're looking for quality coffee, then this is your ticket.

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Capresso 303.01 4-cup Espresso Cappuccino Machine and Cleaner Bundle Review

Capresso 303.01 4-cup Espresso Cappuccino Machine and Cleaner Bundle
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We had a bit smaller version of this for years and LOVED it!! This one looks prettier but it is harder to use. We always steamed milk right in our mug before but with this one it is almost impossible to do because it immediately foams over and makes a huge mess. It does not adjust to steam/froth so you just get froth! It drives me crazy! I would rather have the other Capresso that is a bit smaller but worked great. If you never steam milk I suppose the espresso part works fine. I don't like it :(

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Expobar Office Control Espresso Machine Review

Expobar Office Control Espresso Machine
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I have owned this machine for three years and have never regretted it. Ok, I regretted it a little when I had to get it repaired once, but it is a straightforward and simple machine, with a double boiler so you don't have to switch temperatures between making espresso and steaming milk.

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Nespresso Essenza Automatic Coffeemaker - Glam Red (D100) Review

Nespresso Essenza Automatic Coffeemaker - Glam Red (D100)
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I admit, I resisted you. I was in a long-standing relationship with my Estro Profi. We were compatible. We had been together for years. The espresso was still good. I thought I had it all. Why would I even consider a dalliance with a brainless little pod-based machine when I had a solid relationship with a respectable, dependable provider?
But after I saw you... I began to waver. Your body was slimmer, sleeker... I would catch myself comparing your lines to the fuller, heavier figure of the Profi.. You had style, tempting me with the racy red of your base; far more daring than the simple black I saw every day at home. I traced your curvy silhouette with my eyes, a form my old machine could never hope to attain. I imagined how you would look on my countertop, taking up only a quarter of the footprint of the Profi's "Husky" frame and requiring no extra accessories beyond your capsule tray.
Over time, I began to realize what a high-maintenance relationship I had with the Profi. Warm up the heater. Prime the pump - steam. Prime the pump - brew head. Grind the coffee. Dose the coffee. Tamp carefully to perfect pressure. Load the portafilter. Babysit the brew, and stop at the right moment. I was doing all the work while the Profi sat there smugly and thrived on the attention, dispensing the espresso that was the cornerstone of our relationship slowly... one might say, almost grudgingly.
And let's not get into how I had to practically take it apart to fill the reservoir in the first place.
Why did I do it for so long? When did I become the enabler?
But you, Nespresso Essenza Automatic Coffeemaker - Glam Red (D100)... You know what I want, and you never hesitate to fulfill even my most immediate need. I turn on your heater, and by the time I've filled your easily-accessed reservoir from the Brita and taken my cup from the cabinet, you're more than ready for me. One press of a button to prime the pump and heat the cup, pop in the pod, and another press of a button... and rich, liquid satisfaction pours. 30 seconds, that's all you need. After that, I can have what I want, as much as I want, and as slowly as I want to enjoy it.
And the espresso... Oh, Nespresso Essenza Automatic Coffeemaker - Glam Red (D100), how can I describe the richness, the variety, the sheer perfection of your capsules? How can mere words express the pleasure of watching your smooth, silky crema settle like a perfectly drawn glass of Guinness? No, Nespresso Essenza Automatic Coffeemaker - Glam Red (D100) - these are things best kept secret, enjoyed only between the two of us. Suffice it to say... I thought the espresso was good in my previous relationship, but only because it was better than Starbucks. I had no idea it could be like this.
Yes, Nespresso Essenza Automatic Coffeemaker - Glam Red (D100); I'm sure you know by now, I'm in love with you. I don't want to live without you there, on my counter every morning as I arrive bleary-eyed and disheveled for my first high-powered Ristretto shot of the day. I never want to spend another evening without you there, providing my after-dinner Decaffeinato Intenso demitasse.
I may have to get another Nespresso for the office... But don't worry, Nespresso Essenza Automatic Coffeemaker - Glam Red (D100). You'll always be the one I come home to.

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BonJour Mini Frother Review

BonJour Mini Frother
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I bought this frother, along with the white as a gift because I have one and use it all the time. They are amazing and a great investment for $10. Not only does this frother work great for coffee, but it is very handy for other things. I make my kids instant breakfast drinks in the morning using a powdered mix along with a protein powder. Rather than dragging out my blender, I just stir the drink with my frother. It has no problem mixing everything completely and the kids like the "froth". I've also used it to "destroy" some flour lumps in gravy when I didn't get it mixed in completely. It whips eggs for scrambled eggs. Granted, it's not high powered enough for some jobs, but overall, this frother is one of the best $10 gadgets I have ever bought. At this point, I'd be lost in the morning without it!!

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DeLonghi DCM900 10-Cup Coffee Maker Review

DeLonghi DCM900 10-Cup Coffee Maker
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I had this coffee maker less than three months when it just stopped brewing in the middle of a brewing cycle. I immediately called customer support and spoke with Erica. She was very pleasant and offered several suggestions, including de-scaling the machine. She told me to call her back regardless of the results. None of her suggestions succeeded, including de-scaling, which proved to be impossible since the DeLonghi wouldn't brew anyway. And if the coffee maker did need de-scaling, its built-in de-scaling warning light never went on. In any case, I had a mess on my hands and called DeLonghi customer service back. This time I reached Amanda, who couldn't have been nastier and wouldn't or couldn't allow me to speak to Erica. I asked to speak to her supervisor, Josh, who was extremely condescending and unhelpful. Unfortunately, it was then that I decided to do my research, not before. It turned out there were numerous complaints registered with the Better Business Bureau concerning DeLonghi, several of which DeLonghi simply didn't respond to. DeLonghi's policy required ME to pay to ship their product to a service facility in Delaware for them to decide what to do with the machine. This is a very expensive coffee maker that has virtually no special features to warrant such a price tag. I am sorry I didn't do my research before I bought such a terrible product with awful customer support. Be warned before you repeat my mistake. I am currently awaiting word from the powers that be as to the disposition of my $225 investment.

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La Pavoni PA-JV Jolly Burr Grinder, Black Review

La Pavoni PA-JV Jolly Burr Grinder, Black
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its beyond me how something ships in the condition that i got it in. the grinder was broken in 2 different spots when i opened the box and it was not broken during shipping cause the pieces that broke off are no where in the box so someone else broke it returned it and amazon never checked the item and resent it to me. on top of the item being broken there multiple missing parts! great job guys.

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Expobar Pulser Heat Exchange Espresso Machine Review

Expobar Pulser Heat Exchange Espresso Machine
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I have had this unit for 15 months and use it about 8 times per week. It has been rock solid. I rate it five stars. At the time I bought it from Whole Latte Love (a sister company to Aabree Coffee) it was about $700 on sale with free ship. I really like it because it has adjustable brew pressure and steam temperature. That puts it in the same league as the big boys costing $2,000 and up.
It has an E-61 type system, meaning it uses an automatic system to keep a small amount of boiler water recirculating through the brew head to keep it hot between use. Once it warms up, the portafilter and brewhead are hot, no need to flush hot water through them to warm them.
One side effect of the E-61 is "overheating" when left idle over a 1/2 hour or so. The brew water can get too hot for perfect espresso, then you just have to flush 2 or 3 ounces of brew water through the head to get the temps back to normal (approx 205 degrees F, depends on your taste and the coffee bewing extracted)
Performance-wise, there is more than enough steam for steaming milk. The machine came with two identical steam tips of the single hole type, this makes it easy to control the milk temperature. My nephew has a Pasquini Livia 90 machine with a 3-hole tip, it steamed much too fast. He switched to the Expobar tip and is very happy.

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Capresso Coffee Burr Grinder Review

Capresso Coffee Burr Grinder
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I just bought this grinder as a Christmas present for my wife. It grinds quickly and well and is fairly quiet - much better than our old blade grinder. The ability to store whole beans in the top dispenser and to store ground coffee in bottom dispenser in the refrigerator is also handy. From what I have considered, it seems to be one of best lower cost burr grinders available.
But as to the "mystery" in my title, actually there are two mysteries:
1) Sometimes when your look for burr grinders on Amazon, this model does not show up. Not sure why, but it might have something to do with the fact that it does not ship directly from Amazon. The supplier names have also changed within the past 2 weeks.
2) It is not listed as a model on the Capresso web site. I tried to register it on the site but cannot, since it is not in their drop-down list of products. In fact, the Capresso web site has no mention of this model (or anything looking like it) in their catalog of grinders, registration page, downloadable instruction manuals, or replacement parts page. Update: the Capresso company e-mailed me that they make this particular model only for Costco, though apparently others get them to resell on Amazon. That still does not seem like a good excuse for Capresso not listing this model on their web site.
The grinder generally works quite well (grinds evenly and as finely as one might want), though the whole beans sometimes get jammed in the top of the grinder. It's easy to clear, but then throws off the measurement of how many cups-worth of beans you wanted to grind. It seems to help if the beans are dried out a bit first, rather than dumped right into the grinder from the freezer when still moist.

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Gaggia 8002 MDF Burr Grinder with Doser, PARENT Review

Gaggia 8002 MDF Burr Grinder with Doser, PARENT
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Real espresso is a combination of freshly roasted beans properly ground and pressed at high pressure using 200 degree water. When you do that, you produce something so delicious it'll blow your mind if you love coffee. When purchasing equipment to do this at home, the most crucial of these three factors is in many ways the grinder. You need to be producing a very exact, very fine grind that doesn't include larger chunks (it'll mess up the pressure, because water will "channel" here) nor coffee dust (which will end up in your cup). And you kinda' want a grinder that won't break.
There are surprisingly few grinders sold that meet these requirements. Some espresso drinkers try to get by with one of the only two grinders under $150 which can sometimes manage this: the Solis Maestro and the Capresso Infinity. Whether you succeed will depend a lot on whether you got lucky, and you got one that happens to be put together well. Both make use of plastic parts which will fail over time. Some people buy the Solis Maestro Plus for $150 -- it's heavier than the Maestro, but otherwise no better: you're really wasting your money. The next step up is the Gaggia MDF. It usually sells for around $200, and the Amazon price tends to fluctuate, actually coming in under $200 some of the time with promotions, which makes it a wonderful bargain, though that may be hard to fathom for folks used to a $20 whirly blade grinder. The MDF used semi-commercial grade steel burrs in a semi-commercial (and hence longer lasting) burr set. It will produce the even, fine grind necessary for espresso, and when paired with another Gaggia, or a Solis or Rancilio or FrancisFrancis machine, you're ready to be a home barista and blow the minds of your friends. If you've got a bit more money, I'd recommend the Rancilio Rocky, which typically sells for $280: it's quieter and more rugged, but uses the identical burrs to the MDF. Up from there would be the Mazzer Mini for around $360, which should last you 20 years if not a lifetime. Most people who get into home espresso eventually end up with a Mazzer someday, and you could save yourself some time and money by just starting out with one. But the MDF is probably the best bargain going for being a true home barista. If you're terribly on a budget, Vaneli's Maximo is inferior but useable, and sometimes sells here for low prices.

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With 34 grind settings, this home grinder provides exceptional results for anything from espresso to drip to French press. The unit's commercial-strength 120-watt motor, in combination with its gear-reduction system, provides exceptional torque, extremely quite operation, and reduced static build-up, while its 50-mm tempered-steel grinding burrs deliver precision-ground beans, quickly and efficiently. With each pull of the plastic lever, the grinder's convenient doser dispenses 1/4-ounce of coffee from the ground-coffee container directly into the filter holder. Pull the lever once for one cup of espresso, or twice for two cups. Constructed of impact-resistant smoked plastic, the ground-coffee container for the dosing section has an 8-ounce capacity, and the large 10-ounce bean hopper is made with a sealed top to ensure bean freshness. The burr grinder measures 20 by 14 by 14 inches and carries a one-year warranty.

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Saeco Odea Go Espresso Machine Review

Saeco Odea Go Espresso Machine
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This is a review by a Coffee Fanatic who has owned several machines, including the $8000 industrial version. I had the Vienna Plus for 8 months and decided to give that away to get the Odea Go.
The Vienna Plus had more water in the dredge drawer.. so much that I first thought the machine was leaking!! Found out that IS the way the machine works.. But the machine was bigger than the Odea, so it had room. I had to clean it out every 6-8 cups made.
The Vienna also allowed me to see the water level, so it was easy to refill.
Now for the ODEA:
Doesn't matter which model Odea you get, they're the same build. I was impressed by the BMW-designed mechanics, so I bought it for the sleeker look. Smaller unti fitted well on the small kitchen counter I have.
MAKES STRONGER COFFEE than other models of Saeco that I've tried/borrowed/owned/tasted. It's able to extract more flavor.
1. The water container is smaller than the Vienna. And the tank is hidden, so you can NOT see when it's time to refill. YOU MUST refill before it's down to 2 cups left, because the light weight will make the sensor stop working. The sensor is not by water, but by weight of water!
2. The coffee lid can't be opened while the machine is ON. The other models can. This is weird.. because I used to be able to refill the Vienna while it's brewing.
3. The dredge drawer needs to be emptied for every 3-4 cups of coffee brewed!! Though it's not really full, the sensor will not let you brew coffee with water in this drawer!! So you will end up cleaning this every 4 cups max.
4. The drawer can't be seen, the spills can't be seen, because of the sleek design, everything is covered. And everything is BLACK, so you can't see whether you've cleaned it very well. Coffee grinds may be hidden in places you can't see... all gray and black plastic!!
WHEN MY NEW MACHINE WAS 5 WEEKS OLD, THE 3 RED LIGHTS FLASHED QUICKLY which means electrical problems. Turning it off and on did not help. Calling the manufacturer, diagnosed over the phone, and ended up to have to replace it with a new one. IT SIMPLY STOPPED WORKING.

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