
Pasquini HMLVS Livietta T2 Espresso Machine Review

Pasquini HMLVS Livietta T2 Espresso Machine
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My Saeco Vienna Superautomatica just bit the big one a few weeks ago, so I got to upgrade to this bad boy, and Oh, my, goodness! Best espresso of my life!!! Takes a bit of practice, but here's the way to get the best out of your machine:
1. Preheat your machine for 2-5 minutes. Place a couple of demitasse cups on top of the machine to heat them up and make sure you have either filtered or bottled (calcium free) water in your water tank.
2. Send a spurt of hot water through your empty brew group and filter basket to heat it up before loading it up with your grinds.
3. The grind is absolutely imperative!!! You must have the right grind to get the most out of your shot. If you don't have the right grind you'll have a crappy shot and it will be bitter and nasty. I currently have mine set at between 2.5 and 3 and it's perfect. I'm using: Pasquini Lux Coffee Grinder. You need to tamp the grounds into the filter basket with your tamper with firm, even pressure. When you put your brew group onto the machine, don't crank it on too tight, just put it on and pull the handle forward.
4. If your machine is warm (green "coffee" light is on) push the coffee light (make sure you have a warmed cup under the brew group :) and brew your ambrosia of the gods. You should see a chestnut and tan stripey later of crema on top, and your espresso should be smooth, not at all bitter.
If it's too dark and bitter, and there is no crema, your grind is probably too fine. Try making the grind a little less fine (usually you will need to adjust the grind with the machine running, you may need to check your instruction manual depending on what type you have).
I hope this helps! I'm very much enjoying a latte right now and it is VERY smooth. The microfoam is like velvet. No sugar required :) I'm going to be high on caffeine today, woohoo.
EDIT: Just as an FYI, I got some snotty Italian coffee a few days after the coffee machine arrived (it came with the machine as a freebie, but it arrived late). It tasted like it had been roasted in someone's sweaty boot and left to rot for several months. It was truly awful. There was no amount of sugar or chocolate that could cover the flavor of the bitter nastiness. Really, really gross. I highly recommend sticking with freshly roasted coffee from someplace that you really like. My favorite place to get coffee is [...] (their Sally's special blend is amazing!!!), another favorite place is [...]. Both are excellent for very freshly roasted coffees and split bean has the most unbelievable alfajores I have EVER tasted. Just... Wow!!!
Now that I have good coffee back in the grinder, I'm back to very much enjoying my at least twice daily coffee :) Once the grind is just right, and the art of the pull is mastered, you cannot go wrong. This machine makes AMAZING coffee!!!

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