
Keurig Cafe One-Touch Milk Frother Review

Keurig Cafe One-Touch Milk Frother
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I am the world's biggest Keurig milk frother fan, so why am I giving it only 3 stars? Because this expensive and addicting accessory only works reliably for about three months. It froths milk for those first few months like nobody's business, perfectly heating your milk with a snowy mountain of froth on the top - and then it stops working. I know this through extensive personal experience, because I have (hangs head in shame) actually paid for three of these puppies - that's how obsessed I am with them. I returned the first one after a surprisingly contentious phone conversation with a Keurig representative who all but accused me of breaking the item. "You can only use skim milk with it", she admonished me, even though the advertising blurbs for the item say nothing about that. I have dutifully complied with the rules for frothers #2 and #3, but yesterday, when the third one gave up the ghost, predictably, at the 3-month-mark, I decided that my dysfunctional relationship with the Keurig frother has to end. Time to start buying half-and-half again.

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