
Keurig Single Serve Coffee and Tea Brewing System Select B77 Review

Keurig Single Serve Coffee and Tea Brewing System Select B77
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While it worked, it was a great machine. The coffee was great and so was the hot chocolate. Very convenient for the whole family. I even found K-cups at my local Stop and Shop grocery store for only 5.99 for a box of 12.
I received this for Christmas and it stopped working on New Year's day. Machine rumbles displaying "Not Ready" then shuts off. After keeping it powered off for about an hour it started working again, but then konked out, once again, mid brew. I wrote to customer service on Keurig's website and didn't get a reply after 5 days, so I called their 866 number.
After waiting on hold for approx. an hour for a technician, I was told that I was not allowed to wait any longer on hold and that they would call me back after 24 to 48 hours. The person I spoke to said that they have had an influx of calls with this problem since Christmas. Must be a bad batch that went out. I was also told that if they had replied by email, they would have told me to call, so don't waste your time with email.
I purchased the machine from Costco, but no longer have the box, so I don't know if I can return to them. If I am not able to get any satisfaction from Keurig, I will try going back to Costco. I will update this review with the final status of this problem.
1/10/10 update: I had to wait 3 days for a technician to call me back. The technician told me to use a paper clip and make sure the top and bottom spouts were clear and we ran through several hot water cycles on different cup settings.
I don't know if this 'fixed' the problem because at that point it had been working again. The tech. said that the hot cocoa cups could clog the spouts (although I do run a hot water cycle after each hot cocoa cup is 'brewed'). She also said there may be a problem with the separate filter that allows me to use my own coffee as opposed to their K-Cups. After her call, I stopped using the hot cocoa and the separate filter and so far have not had any problems.
1/26/10 update- The machine started shutting off yet again. I contacted customer service and they promptly told me that they would send me a new machine. The new machine is working perfectly (so far) and the "motor" definitely sounds different. I am hopeful. I had to send them a part from the old machine within 30 days in order to not be charged for the new machine.
When it works, this really is a great machine and so convenient. I hope I got a good one this time around.

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