
Kalorik CM-25282 1000-Watt 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker, Aztec Copper Review

Kalorik CM-25282 1000-Watt 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker, Aztec Copper
Average Reviews:

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I almost did not buy this product because of the reviews, but I did not believe that Consumers Report Magazine could be that wrong. This report stated that this product made excellent coffee due to the correct brewing temperature. That is exactly what the Kalorik does. After using it for several weeks now, I cannot support a single complaint against this product, except one. The pot is difficult to get back into the machine. Not because it fits too tightly as reported, but because the part that holds the coffee grounds sometimes prevents the pot from entering all the way. Another ridiculous complaint was that the opening was too small to pour the water. I do not have a clue what that was all about. I am a 78 year old man and I can pour a full pot of water into the machine without spilling a drop. There is two large openings on both sides of the machine. Go figure. Another statement was that the Kalorik belched out steam. I learned that hot water makes steam. It takes hot water to make good coffee, so if you do not want the steam, get a pot that does not heat the water and you will eliminate the steam problem. Again, I did not find the steam to be excessive and I have the coffee maker under the cupboards. The Kalorik is not pretty, but it makes an excellent cup of coffee. Like a woman, I will take quality over looks anytime.
In short, read between the lines when using customer reviews to help make your purchase.

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