
Saeco Coffee Maker Odea Giro Automatic Espresso Machine Review

Saeco Coffee Maker Odea Giro Automatic Espresso Machine
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I had a Super Automatic espresso machine a few years ago until it went out. I figured it would cost more to get it fixed than it was worth. So, I bought this Saeco Odea Giro and I love it. My other machine was digital and had more options, but was also more expensive. I much prefer the Saeco Odea Giro because it is easier to use, quieter than my other machine and hopefully will last longer. As with most products, the more options and computers you have on it, the more of a chance something will go wrong.
The Giro was designed by BMW. This makes it less boxy looking, like most other espresso machines, and therefore much more pleasing to the eye. The controls are simple and straight forward. Turn it on and it heats up in 30 seconds. Select the amount of coffee to be ground, turn the dial for the amount of water you want and press the brew button. Of course, once you set the first two options, then you only have to press the brew button for the next cup. And that is it. The maximum amount of water it will dispense is about 9 ounces. Of course, if you press the brew button 2 times then you will get twice the amount or two cups of coffee. This amount of water works fine for me because I drink cappuccino.
I have tried different brands of coffee such as, Lavazza, Starbucks, Peets and Illy. I have found that Illy is the smoothest and no bitterness, but is the most expensive. I usually use Starbucks because it has a nice flavor and fairly mild. Coffee is subjective. Just try different brands and blends until you find the one you like the most. Just do not use a flavored or highly oily coffee bean because it could plug up the grinder.
There are four lights on the front. One is the on or ready light. Another one is to let you know when to decalcify. The third light tells you when you need to empty the used grounds, dump box. The forth light has different functions that could mean one of several things. This light will either be on steady, slowly flash or rapidly flash. This light will warn you of one of the following. The water tank is empty, bean hopper is empty, drip try is full, water tank is not pushed in all the way, service door is open, brew group is not installed correctly, coffee bean cover is not securely in place or the water circuit needs to be primed. Just read the manual to see what the light status means.
There is an optional Aqua Prima water filter you can buy. This filter is a must have if you use tap water. Otherwise, you will get a buildup of calcium and other minerals that decalcifying may not totally get rid of. Plus, your coffee will taste much better.
I can not address the froth wand because I have a separate machine I use for cappuccino, but I am sure it works just like other espresso machines.
As with most espresso machines the coffee is not quite as hot as I would prefer. So, I preheat the cup by simply putting about one third cup of water in the cup and microwave it for 40 seconds. This also helps keep the coffee hot longer.
Maintenance is easy and quick. Fill the bean container when it needs it. Empty the dump box every day or whenever it tells you. Empty the drip tray when needed. Fill the water tank when needed. Rinse the brew group at least once a week.
Here are some helpful hints. If the machine has not been used for a few hours and is cold, when you turn it on it will dispense a small amount of water out of the spout. This action primes the pump and cleans the spout of any coffee residue. Place a cup under the spout to collect that water and dump it. That way it will not go into the drip tray and you will not have to empty it as often. Also, do not let the water tank get too low or it will stop in the middle of brewing.
I highly recommend this espresso machine. You could spend a few thousand dollars on one with all the bells and whistles, but the end result is the same. They all make coffee or espresso in the same way.
UPDATE: This was the second Saeco espresso machine I have bought. The first one, which was a different model but the same brand, broke down after a little over 1 year. This Odea went out in less than 6 months. Therefore, I have to downgrade my star rating to 2 stars because of reliability. I will no longer buy this brand. I bought a Delonghi and am very happy with it thus far.

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