
Nespresso D290 Concept Espresso and Coffeemaker Review

Nespresso D290 Concept Espresso and Coffeemaker
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I've had 3 of the Nespresso 150 coffee machines for about 5 years divided between my offices and home, which have worked splendidly. Finally the gaskets are starting to harden, and water is starting to leak, and one or two could use cleaning. The 150s are fine and I'll still use one at home, but I just got a fire-truck red D290 for the office. However, after using the 290 for a couple of weeks, I may have to get another for home.
Aside from the shock of paying so much for a coffee machine, I couldn't be more pleased. I rationalize that with three shots of espresso per day, after two years at work (~600 cups), the pod and maker together are just $1 a shot. Similar logic "paid off" for my old 150s, and saved oodles of time in line at coffee shops.
The espresso is very good (at fifty cents per capsule), the capsule delivery is easy and quick ordering from the web page, and the brewing is easy even before I've had my morning caffeine. Plus it looks cool and the lever and buttons all have a solid feel.
My advice - order the special coffees, which show up about twice a year, they taste the best. The spiced flavors are a bit of an acquired taste. Some of the blends are 95% arabica + 5% robusta beans, others are 100% arabica. Look into it if you're a purist who disdains even traces of robusta.
Read the manual, it just takes ten minutes. Put it where it can be admired, and lock it down, and prepare to be asked for an espresso by your friends often.
[7/8/08 - 500 cups of coffee, no problems.]
[9/1/10 - another 1000 or so. No problems yet, still working like a charm.]
[4 year mark - 1/2011 - something is failing. The machine is tossing out less and less espresso, and when I re-press the bottom, the next increment of espresso is not hot. Likely it's fixable, but I replaced it with a Nespresso Essenza C101, rather than mess around. I think I'll use the hulking D290 as a prop, next to the lamp that's not plugged in in my outer office.]

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