
Saeco 52400 Dezcal Descaler Review

Saeco 52400 Dezcal Descaler
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Saeco recommends this product for descaling of their cappuccino makers. Hardly a surprise since they want you to buy their products. Their instructions warn against using vinegar but they don't say exactly why. I felt it prudent to follow the directions and bought this overpriced cleaning powder.
I have the Saeco Italiano model. In about 3 months I got a warning symbol on the machine to descale the unit. I followed the directions carefully and ran the cycle to find that a single packet was not enough. Despite this, I used the unit run for another 3 months before descaling again, this time using 2 packets or in other words, ran 2 cleaning cycles back-to-back. It worked.
I was tempted to use CLR on the machine but didn't, being concerned about the warranty and damaging the unit.

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