
Gaggia 90501 Titanium SS Super Automatic Espresso and Cappuccino Machine, Stainless Steel Review

Gaggia 90501 Titanium SS Super Automatic Espresso and Cappuccino Machine, Stainless Steel
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I've lusted after a Super Auto for years. When I finally decided to get one, I did a fare amount of investigating. The Gaggia Titanium had the best spec's for the price and good reviews. I decided to spend the extra money for the Stainless unit. I haven't seen the painted plastic model so I can't comment on the appearance. I do think the Stainless looks great! You can find reviews of the non-stainless here on Amazon and other than the outside appearance, the device is the same.
I've only had the unit for a few days but so far, I'm very happy. To the negatives first. The manual is awful! It's not just the Italian to English translation! The text is skimpy and the illustrations not so great. I spent a fair amount of time making sure I understood how to setup and use the unit. I'm pretty technically savvy and in the end, I figured it all out. But don't rush into using this product until you've figured out how to set it up, clean it and adjust all the settings (there are many).
The only issue I've had is whereby the auto bean grinder thinks it's empty when it's not. Open the lid (which could be a bit better designed) and stir and it works. Could be the beans I'm using not sure. It's an intermittent issue.
The good stuff: once you figure out the coffee strength and grind, the Gaggia makes a delicious cup. I wish the brew were a tad hotter (I have it set to max) but using the cup warmer helps. No issues making froth with the wand; much better than the older manual machine I had. You can't put a huge mug under the unit (the max size is 4.5 inches) but its so easy to make a cup you just make fresh when needed. You can set the unit for the amount of brew. However, I found that clicking the "large coffee" button twice, the unit thinks it's making 2 cups and that just about fills a decent size mug. It's much stronger too since the unit grinds two doses of coffee instead of just adding more hot water using the programmable size. You get a nice foam on top and as I said, the coffee is outstanding.
I love the clean up (or lack of) compared to the drip maker I had (a Bodum Vacuum unit). I still have that unit should I need to make a lot of coffee for company. But for the two mugs I drink in the morning, the Gaggia easily replaces this unit. And there's far less cleanup. The grinds sit in a canister and after a few days, you just tap it out into the trash and maybe rinse. So, you can use this Gaggia to replace a conventional coffee machine as long as you're making a cup or two. What I love is just pressing a button twice (for two large coffees) and walking away from the unit. A minute later, a great cup of Joe. It truly is super automatic.
I have the unit set for Energy savor whereby it's in a kind of sleep mode a few hours after I use it. I only drink in the morning. However, if you decide to "wake it up", it heats up in about 2 minutes. It also does a rinse cycle so I keep a small glass under the unit so it can clean itself and rinse out about 3oz of water. There is a little pan under which would catch the water but then you have to toss it out ever few days. There's also a "full Rinse" cycle that thoroughly cleans out the unit and uses about half the water in the reservoir. It's a menu item so don't select it unless you really want to do this (takes about 5 minutes and a lot of water goes into the catch pan or several cups if you so desire).
Yes it cost big bucks but as long as it works well for years and keeps its great looks, I'm very happy.
UPDATE. The issue with the grinder was the beans (too oily). I called the NY office and got someone in "tech support" in minutes. She knew her product. Sure enough, the inside of the grinder area was super oily making it hard for the beans to fall into the grinder area.
UPDATE: Dec 31st 2010. Approaching nearly 5 years with the unit, its preformed nearly perfectly and brewed 6377 cups of coffee! The only tiny issue I've had was the float in the water tank needed to be replaced (easy to do, cost $15). Over time, it gets water logged or something and stops floating, causing the unit to think there is no water in the tank. I was actually able to go quite awhile with a kludge fix using a small plastic tie to keep the float in the up position. Eventually I just ordered the part and replaced it in 5 minutes. Otherwise, the unit has worked preferably.

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