
Delonghi Magnifica Super Automatic Espresso Machine ESAM 4400 Review

Delonghi Magnifica Super Automatic Espresso Machine ESAM 4400
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Not purchased via Amazon or this seller - this is just a review of the machine.
I used to use the Breville Die Cast Espresso machine, and I actually loved it. It made good, consistent espresso (once you figured out the nuances). But it was ultimately the nuances and the manual operation that led me to seek out a good super-automatic machine.
DeLonghi was at the top of my list because of a friend of mine who owned one (this exact model, actually). He spoke highly of it, being a pretty serious coffee drinker himself. I have found that the machine has lived up to the expectations he set.
The setup was very simple - the LCD display guides you through the process (supplementing the manual, of course). Starting with all of the default settings for water temperature, grind size, and shot volume, even the very first shot from the machine was good (though the manual warns you may not be satisfied until it has produced 4 or 5). I have been increasingly impressed as I've pulled a few more shots (though probably less than 20 so far)
The automatic timer allows the machine to turn on and warm up at a pre-determined time. So if your morning routine is pretty consistent, you can typically walk straight up to the machine and press a button, and enjoy your coffee 30 seconds later. I've seen people complain that it doesn't automatically make the shot, but this wouldn't be possible considering how the machine works. Before you can pull a shot, it pre-rinses the internal plumbing to ensure that only fresh, hot water is used for the first shot. You wouldn't want that water in your espresso :)
I can't really review the steam wand's operation - I've only used it to add hot water to make an Americano (which worked well).
Cleanup is ridiculously easy. The machine tells you that it needs to be cleaned, which requires you to
- Move the steam wand aside
- Open the door
- Remove the drip tray and waste bin together
- Dump and clean both the drip tray and waste bin
- Re-assemble
It takes like 5 minutes, and you do it once every few days. I believe they quote you 14 shots, more or less.
Overall, I haven't found a single flaw in this machine yet. I'm very impressed.

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