
Gaggia Baby Espresso Machine Review

Gaggia Baby Espresso Machine
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I worked in Starbucks for 3 years back when they only had semi-automatic machines, and owned a personal machine for the past year (DeLonghi 15-bar pump). So, it's safe to say I know how to operate a semi-automatic espresso machine. This thing, however, was like an out-of-control beast when I first got it. Both espresso and frother were a disaster for the first week until I got it figured out. *NOW* it's an awesome machine, but only after a week of frustration!
The normal grind setting for my previous machine had this machine gushing two shots within two seconds. So I grind finer, tamp harder (a lot harder, w/ body weight), more beans, it's still gushing espresso! How much pressure does this thing have?? (actually, I think it is more to do with the espresso filter itself, it's very wide and deep). Finally, I get it pulling shots the other way. Pulling 10 drops of espresso in 20 seconds. So now it's too tight...? Damn baby, make up your mind! After a ton of trial and error, I found that if I grind for X seconds and tamp the two scoops just right, I get two *perfect* shots with fantastic crema. Yes, *better* than any other machine I've used. But, if I deviate at all, I end up with shots that pull way too fast or way too slow. I'm terrified to switch beans. I'm not exaggerating...
On top of that, I couldn't get the steamer to work without overflowing foam. I later learned that, unlike other machines, you have to froth the top of the milk for only 5-10 seconds, and then submerge the frothing wand and leave it submerged until the milk is hot enough. The foam comes out pretty good after that. But if I froth too long at the beginning, I get overflowing foam, if I froth too little, I don't get enough foam. Once again, it's great if you do it right, but not very forgiving.
Overall, I absolutely hated this machine the first week I owned it. Now that I have the whole process calibrated just right, I love it.
- Excellent espresso with decent crema
- Frother works pretty well too, once you figure it out
- Frothing wand moves up enough to get small pitchers under without tipping anything too much
- The espresso filter fits tightly into the filter holder, don't have to worry about it falling out when emptying it
- Heats up pretty fast, only a couple minutes, though the "warm enough" light frequently switches off during frothing/espresso
- Ridiculously tough to find the "sweet spot" for both grinding and frothing (I wasted like a pound of coffee figuring it out)
- For the reasons above, probably not the best machine for beginners.
- Frother attachment held on by friction to bare metal wand, kinda weird. Had it fall off a couple times while frothing, but usually I can get it on tight enough to stay
- Bigger than expected. It takes up a big chunk of my countertop I wish I had back.

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