
Breville Cafe Modena Espresso Machine, Refurbished Review

Breville Cafe Modena Espresso Machine, Refurbished
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I worked at an espresso stand for a few years and I loved my job. The machine we had was a huge one in the $5000-$10000 range. When I quit my job and decided to have another baby I really missed not having a drink in the mornings to start my day with, but I hated paying $3-$4 per cup to get a decent tasting mocha. I did some shopping and researching and decided to order this machine because it was by a reputable company and it was in our price range. I was a bit scared because of the other reviews, but I decided to get one that was refurbished and sold by Amazon because I knew they would back it up if there were a problem, and I thought that buying refurbished would be not as risky because whatever was wrong with it was already repaired and certified to be in brand new working condition before leaving the manufacturer, plus it was about half price. We are not the kind of people that can drop $1000 on an espresso machine without it hurting. I am happy to report that my husband and I love this machine. There is a thick rich crema on top and absolutely no bitterness in the shot. Even the frother is great. I don't have any trouble getting the milk nice and hot and it foams up just right. The drinks taste just as good as the professional machine drinks tasted where I worked.

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