
BES830XL Die-Cast Programmable Espresso Machine Review

BES830XL Die-Cast Programmable Espresso Machine
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This particular model (830XL) was out of stock at most dealers. I was tempted to get the older model, 820XL, but found negative reviews regarding its pressure guage breaking down often. I wanted to avoid that so I waited and found a seller that had the newer 830XL in stock. Item was well packaged and was delivered ahead of schedule.
I ran my first espresso, and it came out decent with a good amount of crema. I tried again using a different grind size. I can see the pressure guage showing optimal pressure for the 1st run, and slightly higher for the 2nd run. On the third run, the pressure guage stopped working and the espresso was muddy and terrible. I made sure everything was clean and water tank was full, etc. I tried both manual and automatic modes. I tried going back to initial grind size. I have a pretty good coffee grinder (Rancillio Rocky) that gives out very consistent grind size. I tried everything I could think of, but the pressure guage never worked again and the espresso was not the same as the first two that came out.
They emphasize that this machine is die-cast. I was expecting a solid build quality. It's beautifully designed, but I don't know how much of this machine is actually die-cast. A good part of this thing is also plastic with something silver on the surface. I can cause the machine to flex slightly by applying some pressure from the sides when I try to move or shift it. It didn't feel as solid as I was expecting it to be.
I really wanted to like this espresso maker. It appears Breville did not do so much to address the common pressure guage problem found in the previous model. Thank God I bought this from Amazon; I just arranged a return with the Seller without any trouble.
I've purchased a Rancilio Silvia since. Very satisfied with the Silvia. Check her reviews.

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