Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)After "doing the math" I was shocked to see that I spend well over $4k/year at Starbucks. I had justified
in my mind (and better yet, my wife's mind) the purchase of a professional grade espresso machine, which
would save money and time over the course of a year. We were prepared to spend $1,800 - 2,400 for the machines
I was looking at. Somehow I just couldn't "pull the trigger" on that purchase, so I just put the thing off.
Lucky us that when I started my search again for a machine that would satisfy my Starbucks addition, I started
here at Amazon. As I usually do, I searched for the product I wanted, then did two sorts (1 - bestselling, 2 -
top reviews) in order to see what would come to the top. I was surprised to see how high the Nespresso Citiz
ranked and the raves from users were compelling.
We received our Citiz about a week ago and I haven't been back to Starbucks since (still have about $40 on my
gold card). This little machine as far exceeded my expectations in both quality of the shots and the
efficiency of it's design. Even the $2k+ machines would have required more cleanup than this little beauty.
It doesn't get any simpler than this... "pop in a capsule, punch the button and it's off and running". You don't
even need to remove the capsule as it drops into a collector bin. The shots are consistently great and
are topped with a thick and aromatic crema.
The milk frother is amazing. I like my foam to be smooth and creamy. Often at the various espresso shops the foam
is too airy. It seems to depend upon which barrista is making the drink as it is so "hit and miss". The milk
frother what I bought with the Citiz consistently produces the best foam I've had. On top of that, you don't
need to hold a cup underneath a pipe which blasts hot air into your milk. With this frother, you just pour in
the milk, press button and it silently does it's thing with no mess. About 45 seconds later it's ready and perfect.
High tech used to mean complexity in use and frailty in engineering. The Nespresso Citiz demonstrates that
technology has evolved to a point where it delivers simplicity and quality. There is an almost "Zen-like"
perfection to this machine in terms of it's user-friendliness and quality of output.
I'm very happy with this purchase and feel that this is one of my best purchases this year. Within about
two months this machine will pay for itself. Not only do I save significant money by making my own cappuccinos
but there are also savings in terms of gas and time. No more standing in line hoping I won't get one
of those new Barristas who have no idea how to make my drink the way I like it ;)cheers
Click Here to see more reviews about: Nespresso Citiz D120 Titanium Grey Espresso + Aeroccino
Click here for more information about Nespresso Citiz D120 Titanium Grey Espresso + Aeroccino
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